Left Libertarian

I personally am not a doctrinaire anarchist or trapped in the ideology of anarchism.
I see myself as primarily a LIBERTARIAN. Obviously a LEFT LIBERTARIAN.
That means I put the emphasis on individual human freedom, rather than opposition to the state per se.
Anarchists oppose coercion but not voluntary organization.
All coercive and unjustified authority should be questioned.

For example I believe wholeheartedly in voting and I am thankful to be free to vote.
Voting is not consent to be governed. It is participation in decision-making.
I even think that voting or expressed, registered abstention should be compulsory.
I believe in proportional representation and subsidiarity as well.

Green Anarchism in INACTION!

Green Anarchism in INACTION!

"Consume less. Share more. Enjoy life."
Derek Wall.


One of my Anarchist Heroes!

"The essential principle of anarchism is individual autonomy".

Emma Goldman.

If one thinks about it INDIVIDUAL AUTONOMY is an inevitable truth of human nature, therefore a politics that does not recognize that will fail.
A politics that has faith in human nature will succeed.

By the way I personally am a wholly NON-VIOLENT libertarian.

Individual autonomy does inevitably exist.

But everything around us in a Consumerist, Capitalist and Authoritarian Society is aimed at dampening and deadening it.

And people seem to need a bit of kick up their individually autonomous arses to get it going!
Particularly in the sense of THINKING for themselves!

This does not mean that we are not also communal and social beings that desire to be altruistic and co-operate. Of course we are. But we need to be set free to fulfill these parts of our nature.


Emma Goldman and her partner Alexander Berkman were also Greens before the time of Green politics!....

The newspaper that she wrote for was called -


She was an early example of the strong link between Feminism and Green Politics.

Let's face it - ALL nations, countries, armies and wars are ultimately BULLSHIT.

She consistently and indefatigably stuck to that belief in human freedom and in its power to eventually do the right thing.

An inspirational person - apart from the violence.


I personally am not a doctrinaire anarchist or trapped in the ideology of anarchism.
I see myself as primarily a LIBERTARIAN. Obviously a LEFT LIBERTARIAN.
That means I put the emphasis on individual human freedom, rather than opposition to the state per se.
Anarchists oppose coercion but not voluntary organization.
All coercive and unjustified authority should be questioned.

Tolstoy the Green!

"If the arrangement of society is bad (as ours is), and a small number of people have power over the majority and oppress it, every victory over Nature will inevitably serve only to increase that power and that oppression. This is what is actually happening."

Leonid Tolstoy. 1897.

He could not have improved on it for 2014.
Nature is on the defensive after centuries of assault by humankind.
And yes, the world is still ruled by a minority!

Anarchists for Scottish Independence.

If people are offended by the idea of "taking down the Union Jack", imagine how offended some people are that it exists at all! It is a representation of domination and oppression.

The Saltire of Scotland -
"...is the oldest continuously used sovereign flag in the world, having been in use since AD 832 - or so legend has it."

St. Andrew himself was crucified on an X-shaped cross about 8 hundred years before!

He was executed on one. Simply for being an important Christian.
He requested the X-shaped cross - in Patras in Greece.

Maybe an attraction to the Scots was the fact that it wasn't a Latin Cross - since they would have had elements of Celtic Christianity in their lives in the 9th century!



So if you ask me what I really think about the Union Jack - I say this -
I would rather nail myself to a fucking cross than wear it or fly it! -
Here's a diagram!


Before any nationalists get too comfy on the sofa, I will get out a little tit bit of info to leaven your puddin.
To wit, the Scots Gaelic word for Scotland is "ALBA" which is very ancient and refers to the color white.
It probably refers to the white chalk Cliffs of Dover - giving us the name Albion, another name for Britain.
Therefore "ALBA" is - in origin - a name for the island of Britain as a whole.
This type of thing points to the silliness of political nationalism!


The Declaration of Arbroath of 1317 is one of the first DEMOCRATIC, ANTI-IMPERIALIST statements of SELF-DETERMINATION in human history and should not be forgotten in this discussion either!

It is a similar document to the American Declaration of Independence, except 400 years before it!

It was presented as a plea for Scotland's freedom to the Pope of the day!

Historically, Scotland after that time sadly had its freedom denied.

I hope that is no longer the case.

The current Pope - for example - seems far more concerned with the Falklands/Malvinas.

Who cares what the Pope thinks anyway?

A great historian and a good man

An unsung English anarchist hero: Joseph McCabe.

His rejection of Catholicism and all religion was the right thing to do.

He was also a good historian and careful scholar.







Planet Earth F.C.